
Sep 9, 20201 min

We Are Heading Inside!

Hello, Zion Members:

We’re heading back inside.

Last evening the church council approved returning to the sanctuary for worship services beginning on October 4.

To make it as safe as possible the following provisions will be in place:

+ masks, obviously, are the rule while inside the building

+ entry into the church building will only be through door 1 on New Street

+ an offering “drop box” will be available in the narthex

+ only specified pews in the sanctuary will be available for use

+ no anthems/hymns will be sung by the congregation

+ the building will be opened at 8:30 a.m. and the bells turned on at 8:50

+ the service will begin at 9:00 and end approx. 9:45

+ no passing the microphone for Joys and Concerns; no reception line following the service each Sunday

+ the sanctuary and foyer will be sanitized in time for the next Sunday service

+ even while in the sanctuary the service will continue to be live-streamed

Please keep a close watch on the weather forecast for this Sunday Sept 13. As of Wed morning the weather folks say possible rain on Sunday morning. Should that forecast hold the parking lot set up team is certainly not dragging out speakers, microphones, cameras and live wires into the parking lot. You can enjoy the service via live stream on Facebook or You Tube.

Continue to be safe and play by the rules!

Bill Prahl
