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Zion's Stained Glass Windows Mini Series


Blessings from Zion United Church of Christ!

Beginning this Tuesday, January 19, Zion Church will be presenting the first of a four part mini series on our beautiful and originally designed stained glass windows. Follow our wonderful Church Council President, Bill Prahl, as he describes the messaging behind our windows.

This debut tomorrow begins at 5:00 P.M. EST. It can be viewed on our Zion Church Facebook page or on YouTube. We welcome all to join us!

The attachment shows our Nativity Window or as the artist called “Birth of Man”. One of our faithful members, Florence Rocker, wrote a beautiful poem entitled “A New Beginning”. This poem was featured in our dedication booklet, October 22, 1978.

Our new sanctuary windows represent

a new beginning for Christianity

Let us then strive to begin anew.

Let us be known as a church of the Open Door.

A church that looks forward, as well

as backward. A church of courage, that reaches

out to all God’s people,

That welcomes our ever changing


That brings comfort to the elderly,

and a challenge to the youth.

Let us be known as a church of worship,

a church of the people.

A church of the LIVING GOD.

Written by Florence Rocker

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